Yellow Rugs

The color yellow reminds us of so many things in nature that we enjoy- sunlight, honey, daffodils, and fresh lemons. Yellow rugs bring this same uplifting energy to your space. A dandelion or canary colored rug is perfect for inspiring creativity and lightening your living room or bedroom. A banana-yellow rug can add an understated spot of color in your interior without stealing the show. Like bold colors?  Go for a solid gold-colored rug to bring a feeling of luxury to your space.

  • Aquilaria A Signature Rug

    Aquilaria A Signature Rug

    Christopher Fareed Design Studios
    from $2,350.00

    Christopher Fareed's rug design are creative, maximizing the use of space, deceiving the eye if necessary and paying particular attention to the wa...

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  • Algorab Rug

    Algorab Rug

    Christopher Fareed Design Studios
    from $2,350.00

    The Signature collection is comprised of some of Fareed's most modern and striking designs, emphasizing experimentation over convention. While the ...

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  • Serif A Hand Tufted Rug

    Serif A Hand Tufted Rug

    Christopher Fareed Design Studios
    from $2,820.00

    A designer of the 90s and today, he has experimented with radical structures and forms. Some of his original work drew its influence from print med...

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  • Malus A Hand Tufted Rug

    Malus A Hand Tufted Rug

    Christopher Fareed Design Studios
    from $3,060.00

    A designer of the 90s and today, he has experimented with radical structures and forms. Some of his original work drew its influence from print med...

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