Aura C Ombré Hand-Knotted Silk Area Rug

SKU aura-c-5x8

Discover the Ombre Collection's latest masterpiece—'Aura'—a series of hand-knotted rugs curated by Christopher Fareed Design Studios. Crafted with meticulous detail, these rugs showcase the perfect marriage of New Zealand wool and real silk, creating mesmerizing gradients that redefine modern luxury.

The unique kidney shape of the Aura rugs adds a distinctive touch to your space, blending contemporary design with timeless elegance. As part of the Ombre Collection, each rug is a testament to the studio's commitment to artistic expression and superior craftsmanship.

Not only does 'Aura' promise sophistication, but it also offers versatility. These rugs can be made to order in any shape or size, allowing you to tailor them to your unique space. Embrace the individuality of each piece, as variations in color may occur due to the hand-dyed nature of these exceptional rugs.

Elevate your interior with 'Aura' from the Ombre Collection—a true manifestation of personalized luxury and unparalleled design.

10-14 Week Lead Time

Made to order item, no returns.