Gandia Blasco Beige Hand Knotted Bereber Rug

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SKU 7610_HandKnotted-3_67_95

The Natural Bereber Rug is a soft element made by hand, knot by knot, with traditional techniques of Moroccan origin using 100% virgin New Zealand wool. Alternating patterns in close proximity make its surface look diffuse and imprecise. In addition, its color presents nuanced and attractive variations.
This color variation is due to Berber being made with tie-dyed threads, a method in which textiles are tied when being colored, applied in this case to individual wool threads. As a result of this unique process, the strands can have several colors and even color gradients. Created by the internal design team at GAN, Bereber is available in three sizes as well as in another version in gray tones.



The hand-knotted technique is a manual rug-making method that allows for extremely detailed designs, precisely because rugs are made knot by knot. It is a very laborious technique and, consequently, it offers great flexibility. Bearing this peculiarity in mind, those at GAN create hand-knotted designs with both uniform patterns as well as with an apparent randomness.