Green Rugs

Green is always a pleasant color for an area rug. It is, after all, the color of the natural carpet the covers much of our world. The use of a green area rug helps bring about the feelings of harmony and freshness that we feel in the nature, while also providing function and form to our interior design projects. When choosing a green area rug, chances are you'll be able to find one that reminds you of your favorite foliage or the grass from your childhood lawn. A green felt shag provides the softness and texture of walking on leaves, while a pistachio wool rug provides an excellent accent for natural woods. Green rugs can be custom made for any size, material, style, color, or pile height. Perfect for those who like to feel the grass between their toes or those who want to create the perfect color combination.
  • Quirk Brass Shag Rug

    Quirk Brass Shag Rug

    Christopher Fareed Design Studios
    from $2,160.00

    The rugs in this collection are all inspired by urban lanandscapes, making way for a statement where texture, shape, and line are the form. The rug...

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  • Quirk Lime Shag Rug

    Quirk Lime Shag Rug

    Christopher Fareed Design Studios
    from $2,160.00

    The rugs in this collection are all inspired by urban lanandscapes, making way for a statement where texture, shape, and line are the form. The rug...

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