Facing I Hand Tufted Rug

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SKU glr_Facing-I_72_72_Round
The Tibetan Collection came about through Fareed's desire to pay tribute to an age-old method of rug making, a method which brings with it a unique aesthetic rooted in the traditional designs and customs of its origin culture. These pieces are not only masterful examples of the style, they are reinventions of it. Drawing from a wide range of Fareed's influences, these pieces owe just as much to 21st century movements as they do to the cultural heritage they signify. In challenging our notions of antiquity through integrating modernist art influences, these rugs are transcending the boundary between being a piece of functional art and being the traditional centerpiece of any living space.

Drawing inspiration from natural landscapes, abstract shapes and concepts, bridging the conventional and the abstract, these rugs will transform your space with all of the elegance and charm. With a distinct urban and cosmopolitan feel, these rugs play a vital everyday role, not only as an expression of individuality, but as part of the shelter that sustains us. All Christopher Fareed Tibetan Rugs are hand-knotted using only the purest New Zealand Wool and masterfully blended with Banana Silk in some cases to guarantee a top level of quality and durability. Child labor free and made with biodegradable, all natural materials.