Teton F Southwestern Area Rug

Please allow up to 14 weeks for this item to be delivered!
SKU teton-f-6R

Indulge in the epitome of luxury and craftsmanship with our hand-knotted rugs, meticulously designed by the renowned Christopher Fareed Design Studios. Each rug is a masterpiece in itself, intricately woven in the heart of India using the finest materials - premium New Zealand wool and sumptuous banana silk.

Crafted by skilled artisans, these rugs offer not only a touch of elegance but also a sense of cultural fusion. Drawing inspiration from the captivating allure of southwestern design, our collection embraces the rich heritage and traditions of this art form, bringing it to life in a contemporary and sophisticated manner.

The neutral and earthy colors incorporated into the designs ensure seamless integration into any interior setting, enhancing the ambiance with a subtle and inviting charm. These rugs are more than just floor coverings; they are expressive works of art that reflect your refined taste and appreciation for true craftsmanship.

The choice of premium materials, coupled with the meticulous hand-knotting technique, guarantees exceptional durability and longevity, making these rugs an investment you can cherish for generations to come.

All Christopher Fareed Tibetan Rugs are hand-knotted using only the purest New Zealand Wool and masterfully blended with Banana Silk in some cases to guarantee a top level of quality and durability. Child labor free and made with biodegradable, all natural materials. 10 to 14 weeks lead time.

As each area rug is imported to order, no returns or refunds are accepted. All sales final. To view the actual colors and quality of this area rug, please order a fully refundable sample.