White Rugs

A white area rug often projects an aura of sophistication and confidence. In an interior featuring dark accents and rich colors, a white rug can provide a pleasing counterweight and lighten the room. These white and off-white rugs tend to draw the eye towards the focal points of your interior, and can help reinforce the natural balance of your space. White area rugs are naturally paired well with black interior accents, and this color combination is one of the favorites in modern interior design. However, white area rugs can be paired equally well with almost any other color. A white shag is one of the best ways to add texture and lighten an interior. Conversely, a soft ivory wool rug can add understated class and offer pleasing contrast with natural wood flooring.
  • Springton Rug

    Springton Rug

    Christopher Fareed Design Studios
    from $2,350.00

    Christopher Fareed's rug design are creative, maximizing the use of space, deceiving the eye if necessary and paying particular attention to the wa...

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